Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine) <p>J-COSINE (Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering) merupakan jurnal dibidang Ilmu Komputer dan Teknik Informatika yang dipublikasi oleh Program Studi Teknik Infroamtika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataran dengan <em><strong>online ISSN 2541-0806</strong></em> dan <em><strong>print ISSN &nbsp;2540-8895.&nbsp;</strong></em>J-Cosine juga merupakan&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>blind</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;dan&nbsp;<em>peer-review jurnal</em> yang proses reviewenya dilakukan oleh sekurang-kurangnya &nbsp;2 orang reviewer yang ditujuk oleh&nbsp;associate editor.&nbsp;Jumlah terbitaan dari J-Cosine sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun.</p> <p>Tujuan&nbsp;&nbsp;utama dari&nbsp;J-Cosine adalah untuk mempublikasikan paper hasil penelitian, inovasi aplikasi, studi perbandingan &nbsp;yang&nbsp;berkualitas baik&nbsp;dan&nbsp;mengikuti&nbsp;perkembangan dan tren teknologi baru dibidang&nbsp;Ilmu Komputer dan Teknik Informatika. Paper yang dipublikasikan pada J-Cosine dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris.</p> en-US [email protected] (I Wayan Agus Arimbawa) [email protected] (Ramaditia Dwiyansaputra) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 23:28:19 +0800 OJS 60 Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Udara di Ruangan Tertutup Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Sensor MQ-135 dan GP2Y1014AU0F <p>Air quality is now decreasing, mainly in urban areas and industrial centers. Decreasing air quality can occur indoors, especially in a closed room such as a kitchen room. Conditions like this will certainly be very detrimental because it can interfere with health, disturbing comfort and can damage property. In this study, a system was made to monitor air quality, especially in closed rooms by utilizing IoT technology using MQ-135 and GP2Y1014AU0F sensors. Based on tests conducted in the kitchen room, when cooking the gas status was in the medium category and the dust status was in the good category, whereas after cooking the gas and dust status were in the good category. Then in the warehouse room, the gas status is in the medium category and the dust status is in the unhealthy category. Based on the test results, the system built has been running well and is possible to be implemented.</p> Ardi Sujiarta, I Gede Putu Wirarama Wedashwara W, Ariyan Zubaidi Copyright (c) 2024 Ardi Sujiarta, I Gede Putu Wirarama Wedashwara W, Ariyan Zubaidi Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:31:27 +0800 Modifikasi Protokol Routing DSDV Menggunakan Algoritma Dynamic-power transmission untuk Mengurangi Interferensi Sinyal dalam Pengiriman Data Berdasarkan Tingkat Kepadatan Node di Jaringan MANET <p>Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a decentralized collection of nodes that exchange information temporarily via wireless transmission. When nodes communicate, all nodes in the communication range will be affected by signal interference from other nodes. The problem that arises due to this signal interference is that it will affect or interfere with the signal transmitted to the receiver, resulting in a decrease in network performance which will impact the quality of service (QoS). To overcome the problem of signal interference, use interference management. This study applies the Dynamic-Power Transmission (DPT) algorithm to the Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV) routing protocol framework. DPT-DSDV will adjust the communication range automatically based on the node density level. When a node sends data packets to neighbouring nodes, the communication range will be adjusted automatically based on the selected level. The performance of DPT-DSDV will be compared with standard DSDV and standard AODV by looking at performance based on three parameters, namely throughput, packet delivery ratio (PDR), and end-to-end delay. Based on the results of research trials, applying the dynamic-power transmission algorithm can improve the performance of the standard DSDV routing protocol. Throughput results on DPT-DSDV increased by 0.90%. The packet delivery ratio (PDR) increased by 0.50%, and end-to-end delay decreased by 2.80%.</p> <p><em>Key words</em>: <em>MANET, </em><em>Interference,</em> <em>Quality of Service, Routing, DSDV, Dynamic-Power Transmission.</em></p> Desyra Ardiani, Andy Hidayat Jatmika, Ariyan Zubaidi Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Hidayat Jatmika Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:33:16 +0800 Design of Automatic AB Mix Nutrition System for Wick System Hydroponics Based on IoT <p><em>Hydroponics is agricultural cultivation using water as a medium to replace soil. One of the simplest hydroponic systems is the wick system. The wick system is a passive system, where water is only stored in a container and there are no moving parts. The hydroponic growth of the wick system is very influential on the nutrient solution that is commonly used in hydroponic wick systems, namely AB mix nutrition. Providing AB Mix nutrient concentration of 1000-1300 ppm is the best concentration. The provision of nutrition is currently carried out by monitoring water conditions manually in the hydroponic system. This can cause monitoring not to be carried out so that it can have an impact on plant growth that is less than optimal. Therefore, the authors conducted research to design an automatic AB mix nutrition system for IoT-based hydroponic wick systems. This research makes it possible to provide AB mix nutrition automatically by utilizing a water level sensor, TDS (Total Dissolve Solid) sensor, water pump and using the MQTT data communication protocol. This study uses hardware testing to test all sensors such as TDS sensors, water level sensors and relays in terms of functionality. The results show that everything is working properly reading the changes that have occurred. After that, testing the entire system was carried out by making several scenarios to see the system's reaction to the scenarios that were made. The system can control the nutrient content of plants with the amount of nutrient content according to the needs of the pakcoy plant, which is 1000-1300 ppm. When the plants lack nutrients, the system will pump the nutrients into the hydroponic container to meet the nutritional needs of the plants.</em></p> Muhammad Tryora Inzaghi, I Wayan Agus Arimbawa, Ari Hernawan Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tryora Inzaghi Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:41:16 +0800 Implementation of an Information System for Transaction Data Analysis Using the Holt-Winters Method <p>Decision-making errors are fatal in company operations and often result in reduced profits. In making the right decisions, in-depth internal and external data analysis is required. One effort to increase decision-making accuracy is to apply a forecasting algorithm for existing transaction data. This research uses data mining and Forecasting for car repair companies. The information system being built is expected to be able to display a list of satisfied customer data, group transaction data based on the level of damage, and provide forecasts for the number of panels, number of units, and total revenue for the next period. From this data, it will be easier for management to determine the number of workers, additional tools, and stock of materials for the vehicle repair process. This information system was built by applying three algorithms, namely C4.5, K-Means, and Holt Winter Multivariate. The C4.5 algorithm will help group customer types, K-Means will help cluster vehicle damage levels, and Holt-Winters will be used for experience. The tests carried out included testing the accuracy of each algorithm, the black box system, and the system time so that the accuracy results were 100% for the C4.5 classification algorithm and 92.28% for the accuracy of K-Means which was tested with the purity measure. Meanwhile, the MAPE value for forecast testing was between 9 – 11% for each forecast.</p> Santi Ika Murpratiwi, Rukmi Sari Hartati, Made Sudarma Copyright (c) 2023 Santi Ika Murpratiwi, Rukmi Sari Hartati Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:02:56 +0800 User Requirement Analysis dalam penerapan metode User Centered Design sebagai pendukung kebutuhan UI/UX dalam aplikasi NTB Mall <p>User requirement analysis merupakan satu hal yang penting dilakukan dalam pembuatan sebuah user interface/user experience (UI/UX) menggunakan metode User Centered Design (UCD). Hal ini dikarenakan pada tahapan ini terdapat identifikasi dan dokumentasi kebutuhan pengguna. NTB mall adalah e-commerce pertama milik pemerintah daerah NTB dengan tujuan menjual produk unggulan daerah dari Usaha Mikro, Kecil Menengah (UMKM), Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) dan dibantu dengan pemantauan oleh Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis). Dalam pembuatan UI/UX NTBMall, diperlukan user requirement analysis yang kuat untuk mendapatkan penggunaan NTBMall yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. User requirement analysis dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan secara berurutan. Penggunaan user requirement analysis telah terbukti menghasilkan UI/UX yang menarik, dibuktikan dengan hasil pengujian SUS bernilai 72.82 yang mengartikan bahwa user telah puas dengan aplikasi NTBMall.</p> Nadiyasari Agitha, Ario Yudo Husodo, Fitri Bimantoro Copyright (c) 2023 Nadiyasari Agitha Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:03:38 +0800 Design And Development Of An Android-Based Nutrition Education And Stunting Prevention Information System For Pregnant Women (Case Study Sekotong Community Health Center) <p>Malnutrition and stunting are serious issues in Indonesia, particularly in Sekotong Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The prevalence of stunting in this subdistrict reached 94 cases in 2020. This research aims to develop an Android application called Yess Nutrition as a medium for educating pregnant women about nutrition and stunting prevention in Sekotong Subdistrict. The Design Thinking and Personal Extreme Programming methods are employed in the development of this application. The test results show that the application received a mean opinion score of 4.173, indicating good quality and user interface. It is expected that the Yess Nutrition app will enhance the knowledge of pregnant women regarding nutrition and stunting prevention. By leveraging the vast potential of the Android platform, this application has the potential to become an effective educational tool for raising awareness about nutrition and preventing stunting.</p> Muhammad Ari Rifqi, Sri Endang Anjarwani, Ari Hernawan Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ari Rifqi Mon, 01 Jan 2024 01:59:34 +0800 Design Violence Reporting System Households in Mataram City <p><em>Currently, cases of domestic violence are social and humanitarian problems that need attention. In 2020, the most dominant forms of domestic violence are psychological violence as much as 40%, sexual violence 26%, physical violence 22%, and economic 12%. The number of domestic violence cases in Indonesia also increased in 2019 from 1,419 cases to 2,389 cases in 2020. The increasing number of cases of domestic violence should be a serious concern for all parties. The Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) is a regional technical implementing unit formed by the regional government that can provide services for women and children who experience domestic violence, services, special protection, consultation, and others. The process of reporting domestic violence in Mataram City is still done conventionally, where people still need to visit the office to report incidents of domestic violence. Then the UPTD PPA will conduct a team discussion for the next action. From the current reporting process flow, the Mataram City UPTD PPA also still takes a long time to follow up on the domestic violence report. So there is still a lack of facilities and media that can assist the community in reporting domestic violence and assist the UPTD PPA in following up on reporting domestic violence. With the development of existing technology and the increasing number of people using android gadgets, from the problems above, researchers will design and build a Domestic Violence Reporting System in the City of Mataram to make it easier to report domestic violence directly without having to go to the authorities to handle the problem. The method that will be used for the development of this system is the Extreme Programming (XP) method.</em></p> Farah Tria Ningrum, Nadiyasari Agitha, Noor Alamsyah Copyright (c) 2024 Farah Tria Ningrum Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:34:23 +0800 Information System for Optimization of 3 Kilograms Elpiji Gas Distribution Using the Least Cost Method (Case Study in PT. Hidayat Energi Putratama) <p>PT. Hidayat Energi Putratama is a 3 kilograms elpiji gas distribution agent that distributes elpiji gas to the base which then forms the base and will distribute to the retailer. Currently the calculation of distribution costs at PT. Hidayat Energi Putratama has not implemented an information system that can manage the calculation of distribution costs and the costs incurred are not optimal, so a system is needed to calculate distribution costs. The purpose of this research is to design an information system optimization of the distribution of 3 kilograms elpiji gas at PT. Hidayat Energi Putratama uses the least cost method that can perform calculations to help companies find out where the 3 kilograms elpiji gas should be distributed so that the costs incurred are kept to a minimum. From the results of research and calculations using the least cost method, the results obtained that the cost generated by the system is Rp. 1,120,600 less than the original cost incurred by the company of Rp. 1,500,000 so it can be said that the cost generated by using the least cost method is optimal. System testing is done by black box testing, theoretical calculations, and Mean Opinion Score (MOS) testing. The results of black box testing and theoretical calculations show that the system is running well and correctly. In the MOS test conducted on 30 respondents, the average result was 4.28 on a scale of 1 to 5. These results indicate that users are satisfied with the system built.</p> Moh. Ali Albar, Baiq Rokyatul Jannah, Royana Afwani Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Rokyatul Jannah, Moh. Ali Albar, Royana Afwani Tue, 02 Jan 2024 23:14:57 +0800 Development of Hand Gesture Command Using Leap Motion for Floorplanner Application <p><em>Architecture is part of the art of life and works best when it seems to give expression to the life that inhabits it. As technology has developed a lot, the field of architecture has also experienced many developments supported by technology such as making architectural designs. The development experienced in making architectural designs is that it is no longer required to draw design choices with side views on a lot of paper but instead use a simulation application for making architectural designs that are displayed through a monitor layer in 3D so that they can see more realistically. After many innovations emerged regarding simulation applications which generally still use hardware such as a mouse, then these innovations shifted to connecting the simulation application with the virtual world where hardware such as a mouse has been replaced by using gestures or limb movements such as parts of the hand or other parts of the body. While other fields like medic already use virtual tool interaction, architecture fields still just use mouse and keyboard. One of the virtual interaction devices used to be able to detect fingers and palms to interact with 3D simulation applications is Leap Motion. Leap Motion is starting to be widely used to carry out various ways of interacting with hands because it is more interactive and interesting to use even many people think that it can be used for hand rehabilitation or therapy too. However, even though many innovations have developed, there is still no innovation in the use of a hand gesture command system using Leap Motion for simulation applications to design architectural designs in 3D views. Based on these things, the authors designed and developed hand gesture commands using Leap Motion for Architectural Design App. The hand gesture command system used for the Floorplanner simulation application will be tested using a system usability scale by users with architectural, informatics, and unfamiliar backgrounds. Based on the tests carried out, it can be seen that the system is running properly even though it requires getting used to the device first and getting a score from the System Usability Scale of 59,167 out of scale from 0 to 100 which means it is still accepted by users or declared as "Marginally Acceptable" category.</em></p> Hendy Marcellino, Ario Yudo Husodo, Fitri Bimantoro Copyright (c) 2023 Hendy Marcellino Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Analisis Kebutuhan Dataset Algoritma Speech To Text Bahasa Sasak Menggunakan Perbandingan Data Suara Bahasa Inggris Pada Metode CNN <p>Currently, there have been many studies on speech recognition or speech to text. Speech to text is a technology used to convert human speech or voice and translate it into written text. Some speech to text research that has been done, has obtained an accuracy rate of up to 95% with English datasets using the Mel Frequency Coefficient (MFCC) feature extraction method and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classification method. This research will apply similar algorithms, namely MFCC and CNN by displaying the training process and the resulting accuracy in its processing with an analysis scenario using datasets in multiples of 50, 150, 250, and 350 voice data. The results obtained have achieved 95% accuracy on the training data of 350 English voice data. The analysis carried out is to find the best composition on the Sasak language dataset by <br>comparing the accuracy of the test results with the accuracy of the previous training results on the English dataset. From the training and testing process that has been carried out, the results obtained show that the best dataset composition for Sasak language is with nine speakers. This illustrates that the Sasak language requires less human resources compared to the English dataset which involves more than 30 speakers in <br>50 words. This has a positive impact on saving resources and time required in the development of Sasak language speech recognition system.</p> Widya Bayu Pratiwi, Arik Aranta, Gibran Satya Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 Widya Bayu Pratiwi, Arik Aranta, Gibran Satya Nugraha Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:35:24 +0800