About the Journal
J-Cosine (Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering) is a journal that is published by the Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram (Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram) under online and print ISSN: 2541-0806 and 2540-8895, respectively. J-Cosine is a media for academicians, researchers and practitioners to publish their original research or review manuscripts. Currently, J-Cosine has been ACCREDITED by RISTEKDIKTI (The Ministries of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia) with 4th grade, decree no. 79/E/KPT/2023, May 11th, 2023.
The main purpose of the J-Cosine is to publish good quality research papers/manuscripts, application innovations, comparative studies that keep following new technologies and trends in the field of Computer Science and Information Engineering. The Papers published in J-Cosine can be written in Bahasa or English. Issues starting from Vol 6 , No. 2, J-Cosine will be upgraded to an International Journal, which is fully subject to international publication rules and international publication guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
Editorial Policies
- Focus and Scope
- Open Access Policy
- Publication Frequency
- Publication Ethics
- Peer Review Process
- Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
- Copyright Notice
- Privacy Statement
- Processing Fee
Focus and Scope
The focus and scope of the J-Cosine are Enterprise Information System, Mobile Programming and Ubiquitous Computing, and Intelligent System and Computer Vision, including:
- Management information systems,
- Image and speech processing
- Pattern recognition
- Big Data and Data Mining
- Computer network, IOT, and security system,
- Bio-informatics and its application,
- Software Engineering and its development,
- Parallel Programming,
- Modelling Simulation and Applied Computing,
- High-Performance Computing,
- Remote Sensing and GIS.
Open Access Policy
All articles published by J-Cosine are made available worldwide under an open-access license. This means everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published in J-Cosine, and everyone is free to re-use the published material if proper accreditation/citation of the original publication is given. The accepted articles are supported by the authors' institutes or research funding agencies subject to pay comparatively low Article Processing Charge (APC).
Publication Frequency
The J-Cosine is published two times a year in June and December.
Publication Ethics
J-Cosine is high respects for the publication ethic and avoids any all forms of cheating. This statement explains the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing a manuscript in this journal, including the authors, the editor in chief, the editorial board, the peer-reviewers and the publisher (University of Mataram). This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
Please refer to this link for detail.
Peer Review Process
The submitted manuscript is first assessed by an editor. The editor will be judged, whether the manuscript is appropriate for J-Cosine’s focus and scope or has a significant/major originality and small similarity score by using Turnitin.
The manuscript will be sent to at least two anonymous reviewers (Double Blind Review). The Reviewers' comments and their suggestions will be evaluated in an editorial board meeting for taking a final decision. Afterward, the Editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author along with Reviewers' comments for necessary actions and responses.
Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
The J-Cosine use Turnitin plagiarism detection to check/screen for plagiarism submitted manuscript. Before sending the manuscript to reviewers, the member of the editorial team will first check the similarity/plagiarism by using the Turnitin tool. The manuscripts which have a similarity score of more than 20% without any excluding, tending not free from plagiarism or self-plagiarism, will immediately be rejected by J-Cosine.
Additionally, J-Cosine requests the Author(s) to submit a completed and signed Ethics Statement along with the manuscript. Ethics Statement is a guarantee statement from the Author(s) that the paper is free-form plagiarism and self-plagiarism, as well as free-form statements that are unlawful, defamatory or otherwise and do not contain material that violates personal rights or property rights of any other person or entity.
Copyright Notice
The Author(s) who are submitting a manuscript understand that if their manuscript is accepted for publication, the copyright of the manuscript shall be assigned to J-Cosine (Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering) as the publisher of the journal by completed and signed a Copyright Transfer/Agreement which is available in this link. Copyright encompasses exclusive rights to reproduce and deliver the manuscript in all forms and media, as well as translations. The reproduction of any part of this journal (printed or online) will be allowed only with written permission from J-Cosine. The Editorial Board of J-Cosine makes every effort to ensure that no wrong or misleading data, opinions or statements be published in the journal.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in the J-Cosine site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Processing Fee
The submitted papers in J-Cosine which are written in Bahasa Indonesia will be charged a processing fee IDR 500.000. While the papers written in English are free of charge. The Processing fee cover for Peer-review, Turnitin, Editing and publishing the paper.