Optimasi Protokol Routing ZRP Menggunakan PA-SHORT untuk Mengurangi Jumlah Hop Pada Suatu Rute di Jaringan Manet

  • Laeli Oktami Universitas Mataram
  • Andy Hidayat Jatmika Universitas Mataram
  • Nadiyasari Agitha Universitas Mataram
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29303/jcosine.v3i2.239
Abstract: 229 Viewers PDF: 352 Viewers


The author made modifications to several parts of the ZRP routing protocol, named PASHORT-ZRP. In this study, the authors conducted 5 experiments with which resulted in an increase in throughput on PASHORT-ZRP in the area of ??1000×1000 m2 of 52.081 % for node 20, 81.475 % for nodes 60, and 34,912 % for node 100. Results of average end-to-end delay in PASHORT-ZRP contains a decrease of 0.737 % for node 20, 0.365 %  for node 60, and 0.939 %  for node 100 in area 500×500 m2. The results of the packet delivery ratio on PASHOR-ZRP found an increase of 64.931% for node 20, 7.763% for node 60, and 26.644% for node 100 in the area of ??500×500 m2. in the 1000×1000 m2 area the results of routing overhead on PASHORT-ZRP contain a decrease of 36,815 % for  node 20, 56.267 %  for node 60, and 37.538 %  for node 100.

Embedded System and Data Communications