Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit pada Ayam dengan Menggunakan Metode Dempster Shafer

  • Salsabila Putri Rajani Said Universitas Mataram
  • I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya Universitas Mataram
  • Fitri Bimantoro Universitas Mataram
Abstract: 612 Viewers PDF: 843 Viewers


Chicken is one type of poultry that has many benefits, so the chicken can be an option for livestock. This research was conducted to create an expert system that helps provide information to farmers about poultry diseases, especially broilers. This expert system is built on the Android platform and uses the Dempster Shafer calculation method to get the diagnosis of chicken disease. The data used in this study consisted of 38 symptoms and 10 diseases data which were limited to diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Each symptom has the value of belief given by 3 veterinarians. This study used four types of testing in the form of black-box testing, questionnaire testing, theoretical testing, and accuracy testing. The results of the accuracy testing of the 30 cases given are 92.22% and the system accuracy is 93.33% if the system diagnosis results are assumed to be valid because it is a subsection of expert diagnosis. For questionnaire testing using the MOS, parameters obtained 4.58 results from a scale of 5, as well as theoretical calculation tests that get the same calculation results between the results of expert diagnoses and system diagnoses. Based on the test results, the system built is good and appropriate.

Intelligent System and Computer Vision