A Design of Early Fire Detection System In Tobacco Oven Based on Internet of Things (Case Study: East Landah Praya Village)

  • Chairuman Fadhilah Mataram University Student
  • Ariyan Zubaidi Dept Informatics Engineering, University of Mataram
  • Ahmad Zafrullah Mardiansyah Dept Informatics Engineering, University of Mataram
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29303/jcosine.v7i1.473
Abstract: 383 Viewers PDF: 309 Viewers


A tobacco oven is a building measuring 4.5 x 4.5 meters that are used to bake freshly harvested tobacco leaves and can accommodate up to 5-7 shelves. The oven building is equipped with 2 bottom vents and 2 top vents that function as temperature and humidity regulators by opening or closing the vents. Tobacco oven techniques in Lombok itself can not be said to be safe, it is proven that fires in tobacco ovens often occur lately. One of the causes of tobacco oven fires is due to the presence of tobacco leaves that fall into the furnace so that the fire quickly grabs the tobacco in a semi-dry state, in addition, due to the lack of use of safety equipment above the ignition furnace, the fallen dried tobacco leaves can immediately burn. Based on these problems, research entitled "Design of Fire Early Detection System in Tobacco Oven Based on Internet Of Things was made (Case Study: East Landah Praya Village)". The system built shows the ability of the infrared fire sensor to detect the presence of fire up to 77.7% at a large fire intensity, the MQ-135 smoke sensor is set at more than 3 ppm as an indication of a fire and the DHT22 temperature sensor shows 1.5% error after comparison with a thermometer. in a tobacco oven.

Embedded System and Data Communications